Not Much of a Secret Anymore!
Just a Few of the Questions Answered Here by Scripture and Documented History
Who are the Israelites of the Bible?
Where are their physical descendants today?
Why does it even matter?
What does Africa have to do with all of this?
Is this a “Black Hebrew Israelite“ site?
Is all of this just too good to be true?
Our True and Documented Story
How We Arrived Here:
Brief but very important summary of true Black history that you won't hear about in school. Context is the strength of history.
Bringing everything into proper context... Here we go...
The Children of Israel had been migrating throughout Africa - from early Egyptian captivity up until the time they were finally flushed out of the land of Canaan, the country known as Israel today, fleeing persecution, slavery and starvation from the Romans in the Jewish-Roman War 66-70 A.D., which marked the end of the original Hebrew Israelites as a nation.
This is a close up view of West Africa on a 1747 map close to the coast... where the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade took place.
Look towards the right on the picture and you will see an area called the Kingdom of Juda (Km of Juda) just above the words Slave Coast. And if you look closer, you will also see a town called Juda (Whidah) close to the coast. Whidah was what Europeans called them.